Raise Capital With Private Investors

 If you have launched your own startup, your first biggest challenge is to raise capital. Fortunately, you choose from a lot of options to raise the funds your business needs. Among all the sources, crowdfunding is one of the best ones as it helps redefine how startups can get off the ground. In this article, we are going to help you know the benefits of raising capital with private investors through a crowdfunding platform. Read on to find out more.

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Benefits of raising capital with private investors

1. Funding is not equity-based

First of all, crowdfunding is not necessarily equity-based. Although startups have the liberty to use the equity in order to catch the attention of potential investors, It's not required to give up ownership to collect capital.

The good news is that some platforms allow their members to apply a reward-oriented approach in order to raise capital. For instance, if your business deals in a specific product, make sure you hand over a few units to your prospective investors before you roll it out for the ultimate users.

2. Attracting potential investors is easy

With crowdfunding, you can attract a lot of potential investors without putting in a lot of effort. Although you can try for angel investors, keep in mind that this process can cost you a lot of time. The reason is that you will have to pitch your small business concept several times.

On the other hand, if you use a crowdfunding platform, you will have to post your business pitch in only one place. And this page will be ready by hundreds of investors from across the globe.

These platforms have a lot of useful features that may help startups collect funds from investors. So, attracting potential investors and raising capital will be much easier using crowdfunding platforms.

3. Higher visibility

Crowdfunding can help you make your startup more visible. Since marketing may consume a large chunk of your budget, it makes sense to use a crowdfunding platform instead. For potential investors, it's easy to fund a crowdfunding campaign.
And these activities can help boost the visibility of your brand. Plus, you can also attract investors for your next funding rounds.

The Bottom Line

If you want to raise funds for your startup, crowdfunding can be the best choice. All you need to do is become part of a crowdfunding platform and you will be able to tap into the pool of potential investors. And this will help you kick start your business and make it a success in the industry.

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Can I Create My Own Cryptocurrency?

For you to be in a position to make your own cryptocurrency, here are some of the things for you to follow.

Build A Blockchain

The first step towards a creating the best cryptocurrency is building a blockchain. Blockchain technology is the background and of every cryptocurrency that you see in the world today. A blockchain has contained the details of each cryptocurrency.

It is a ledger that shows the background of every cryptocurrency that you have. It also shows more details of who owned the cryptocurrency coins previously before you.The best cryptocurrencies have a very effective blockchain technology.


All the software's that you see on the internet are made out of a code. This is the same case with cryptocurrency. Fortunately, a majority of the cryptocurrency is made using the same code. Mainly, cryptocurrencies are made using the C++ code. You can outsource all the codes you need from GitHub and use them to make your cryptocurrency. However, the code will vary from your specifics. If your blockchain is longer and faster you must add programs for that. Generally, programs can vary from one week to several months when making a blockchain.

In order to make the best cryptocurrency, one needs to ensure he has put the greatest level of security to be observed. There are hackers everywhere and it is always your role to alienate the hackers. One powerful tool that has been used to alienate hackers is the use of private and the public key. This is because every key is generated from the previous key. Through the use of cryptography, each key can be traced from the first transaction ever made.

You should also ensure that you create a pool of miners. For a stable cryptocurrency like bitcoin? anyone can be a miner. A miner does two things.

-Creates the crypto coin

-Authenticates the cryptocurrency.

You must form a standard way of creating and authenticating your cryptocurrency.

Access The Market Needs

Many cryptocurrency experts have said that the most important part is accessing the market needs. You should be keen and observe what other cryptocurrencies are not offering and offer them yourself. If we look at the biggest cryptocurrency in the market, today bitcoin.

It was formed to bring a faster transaction in the online world. Bitcoin also gained much recognition because it was able to hide the identity of the users. They remained anonymous but one could still make a legit transaction. These are the most important parts to keep into consideration when creating a cryptocurrency.

To make a very successful cryptocurrency, you need to ensure that you are able to do proper marketing of your cryptocurrency. This means going to merchants and requesting them to accept your cryptocurrency as their mode of payment. These are generally some of the best ways in creating the crypto coin.

Is Cryptocurrency the Future of Money?

What will the future of money look like? Imagine walking into a restaurant and looking up at the digital menu board at your favorite combo meal. Only, instead of it being priced at $8.99, it's shown as.009 BTC.

Can crypto really be the future of money? The answer to that question hinges on the overall consensus on several key decisions ranging from ease of use to security and regulations.

Let's examine both sides of the (digital) coin and compare and contrast traditional fiat money with cryptocurrency.

The first and most important component is trust.
It's imperative that people trust the currency they're using. What gives the dollar its value? Is it gold? No, the dollar hasn't been backed by gold since the 1970s. Then what is it that gives the dollar (or any other fiat currency) value? Some countries' currency is considered more stable than others. Ultimately, it's people's trust that the issuing government of that money stands firmly behind it and essentially guarantees its "value."

How does trust work with Bitcoin since it's decentralized meaning their isn't a governing body that issues the coins? Bitcoin sits on the blockchain which is basically an online accounting ledger that allows the whole world to view each and every transaction. Each of these transactions is verified by miners (people operating computers on a peer to peer network) to prevent fraud and also ensure that there is no double spending. In exchange for their services of maintaining the integrity of the blockchain, the miners receive a payment for each transaction they verify. Since there are countless miners trying to make money each one checks each others work for errors. This proof of work process is why the blockchain has never been hacked. Essentially, this trust is what gives Bitcoin value.

Next let's look at trust's closest friend, security.
How about if my bank is robbed or there is fraudulent activity on my credit card? My deposits with the bank are covered by FDIC insurance. Chances are my bank will also reverse any charges on my card that I never made. That doesn't mean that criminals won't be able to pull off stunts that are at the very least frustrating and time consuming. It's more or less the peace of mind that comes from knowing that I'll most likely be made whole from any wrongdoing against me.

In crypto, there's a lot of choices when it comes to where to store your money. It's imperative to know if transactions are insured for your protection. There are reputable exchanges such as Binance and Coinbase that have a proven track record of righting wrongs for their clients. Just like there are less than reputable banks all over the world, the same is true in crypto.

What happens if I throw a twenty dollar bill into a fire? The same is true for crypto. If I lose my sign in credentials to a certain digital wallet or exchange then I won't be able to have access to those coins. Again, I can't stress enough the importance of conducting business with a reputable company.

The next issue is scaling. Currently, this might be the biggest hurdle that's preventing people from conducting more transactions on the blockchain. When it comes to the speed of transactions, fiat money moves much quicker than crypto. Visa can handle about 40,000 transactions per second. Under normal circumstances, the blockchain can only handle around 10 per second. However, a new protocol is being enacted that will skyrocket this up to 60,000 transactions per second. Known as the Lightning Network, it could result in making crypto the future of money.

The conversation wouldn't be complete without talking about convenience. What do people typically like about the their traditional banking and spending methods? For those who prefer cash, it's obviously easy to use most of the time. If you're trying to book a hotel room or a rental car, then you need a credit card. Personally, I use my credit card everywhere I go because of the convenience, security and rewards.
Did you know there are companies out there providing all of this in the crypto space as well? Monaco is now issuing Visa logo-ed cards that automatically convert your digital currency into the local currency for you.

If you've ever tried wiring money to someone you know that process can be very tedious and costly. Blockchain transactions allow for a user to send crypto to anyone in just minutes, regardless of where they live. It's also considerably cheaper and safer than sending a bank wire.

There are other modern methods for transferring money that exist in both worlds. Take, for example, applications such as Zelle, Venmo and Messenger Pay. These apps are used by millions of millennials everyday. Did you also know that they are starting to incorporate crypto as well?

The Square Cash app now includes Bitcoin and CEO Jack Dorsey said: "Bitcoin, for us, is not stopping at buying and selling. We do believe that this is a transformational technology for our industry, and we want to learn as quickly as possible."
He added, "Bitcoin offers an opportunity to get more people access to the financial system".

While it's clear that fiat spending still dominates the way most of us move money, the fledgling crypto system is quickly gaining ground. The evidence is everywhere. Prior to 2017 it was difficult to find mainstream media coverage. Now nearly every major business news outlet covers Bitcoin. From Forbes to Fidelity, they're all weighing in with their opinions.

What's my opinion? Perhaps the biggest reason Bitcoin might succeed is that it's fair, inclusive and grants financial access to more people worldwide. Banks and large institutions see this as a threat to their very existence. They stand to be on the losing end of the greatest transfer of wealth the world has ever seen.

Still undecided? Ask yourself this question: "Are people trusting governments and banks more or less with each passing day?"

Your answer to that question just might be what determines the future of money.....crypto is the new money world start with Binance

Crypto Market Analysis

Cryptocurrency have been around for a while now and there are multiple papers and articles on basics of Cryptocurrency. Not only have the Cryptocurrency flourished but have opened up as a new and trusted opportunity for investors. The crypto market is still young but mature enough to pour in the adequate amount of data for analysis and predict the trends. Though it is considered as the most volatile market and a huge gamble as an investment, it has now become predictable to a certain point and the Bitcoin futures are a proof of this. Many concepts of the stock market have now been applied to the crypto market with some tweaks and changes. This gives us another proof that many people are adopting Cryptocurrency market every day, and currently more than 500 million investors are present in it. Though the total market cap of crypto market is $286.14 Billion that is roughly 1/65th of the stock market at the time of writing, the market potential is very high considering the success despite its age and the presence of already established financial markets. The reason behind this is nothing else but the fact that people have started believing in the technology and the products backing a crypto. This also means that the crypto technology have proven itself and so much that the companies have agreed to put their assets in the form of crypto coins or tokens. The concept of Cryptocurrency became successful with the success of Bitcoin. Bitcoin, which once used to be the only Cryptocurrency, now contributes only 37.6% to the total Cryptocurrency market. The reason being, emergence of new Cryptocurrencies and the success of projects backing them. This does not indicate that Bitcoin failed, in fact market capitalization of Bitcoin has increased, rather what this indicates is that crypto market have expanded as a whole.

These facts are enough to prove the success of Cryptocurrencies and their market. And in reality investment in Crypto market is considered as safe now, to the extent that some invest as for their retirement plan. Therefore what we need next are the tools for analysis of crypto market. There are many such tools that enable you to analyze this market in a manner similar to stock market providing similar metrics. Including coin market cap, coin stalker, cryptoz and investing. Even thought these metrics are simple, the do provide crucial information about the crypto under consideration. For example, a high market cap indicates a strong project, a high 24hour volume indicates high demand and circulating supply indicates the total amount of coins of that crypto in circulation. Another important metric is volatility of a crypto. Volatility is how much the price of a crypto fluctuates. Crypto market is considered as highly volatile, cashing out at a moment might bring in a lot of profit or make you pull your hairs. Thus what we look for is a crypto that is stable enough to give us time to make a calculated decision. Currencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ethereum-classic (not specifically) are considered as stable. With being stable, they need to be strong enough, so that they do not become invalid or simply stop existing in the market. These features make a crypto reliable, and the most reliable Cryptocurrencies are used as a form of liquidity.

As far is crypto market is concerned, volatility comes hand in hand, but so do its most important property i.e. Decentralization. Crypto market is decentralized, what this means is that the price fall in one crypto does not necessarily means down trend of any other crypto. Thus giving us an opportunity in the form of what are called mutual funds. It's a Concept of managing a portfolio of the crypto currencies that you invest in. The Idea is to spread your investments to multiple Cryptocurrencies so as to reduce the risk involved if any crypto starts on a bear run

Similar to this concept is the concept of Indices in crypto market. Indices provide a standard point of reference for the market as a whole. The Idea is to choose the top currencies in the market and distribute the investment among them. These chosen crypto currencies change if the index are dynamic in nature and only consider the top currencies. For example if a currency 'X' drops down to 11th position in crypto market, the index considering top 10 currencies would now won't consider currency 'X', rather start considering currency 'Y' which have taken it's place. Some providers such as cci30 and crypto20 have tokenized these Crypto indices. While this might look like a good Idea to some, others oppose due to the fact that there are some pre-requisites to invest in these tokens such as a minimum amount of investment is needed. While others such as cryptoz provide the methodology and a the index value, along with the currency constituents so that an investor is free to invest the amount he/she wants to and choose not to invest in a crypto otherwise included in an index. Thus, indices give you a choice to further smooth out the volatility and reduce the risk involved.


The crypto market might look risky at first look and many might still be skeptical of its authenticity, But the maturity that this market has attained within the short period of its existence is amazing and the proof enough for its authenticity. The biggest concern that investors have is volatility, for which there had been a solution in form of indices.

External Link Binance

Importance of Credit and Financial Services for an Individual and Business

Just like money, the importance of credit and financial services cannot be ignored. We know that money is like the backbone of any economy. Plus, the functionality of an economy is dependent on the financial system of the state. In this article, we are going to find out more about the importance of credit and financial services as far as individual investment and growth are concerned. Read on to find out more.

Importance of Credit

In any economy, the role of credit is of paramount importance. Basically, credit is a form of trust that allows someone to provide resources or money for another person. Moreover, it is the credit system that gives support to the economic activities of a state.

If you want to achieve your professional, personal or financial goals, you have to understand the importance of credit. Today, commercial banks keep the savings of their account holders and provide these funds on credit to needy people and businesses.

Smart people use credit money in order to run a business successfully. If they are not provided money by banks, they won't be able to use their talents and abilities. Bank loans help a lot of businesses produce goods and services for the economy.

When people buy a house for the first time, credit plays an important role in these transactions. The lending bank needs a surety that the borrower will be able to pay off the loan in a timely fashion. Therefore, they check the ability of the borrower to make sure they earn enough money to pay the installments and meet their day-to-day expense.

Importance of Financial Services

Financial services are an important section of any financial system. This financial system offers different types of finance using different credit instruments, services, and financial products. With the help of these services, it is possible to increase the demand for certain products and services.

With the help of financial services, it is possible to improve the economic condition of a state. If people in a state enjoy a higher standard of living, it means that the financial services of the state are up to the mark.

With financial services, people get different types of consumer products, such as cars, through a process called hire purchase. Apart from this, mutual funds allow individuals to avail of opportunities, such as saving options. This allows them to enjoy a reasonable return on investment, which is the dream of any business.

As far as promoting investment for raising capital is concerned, merchants can borrow money from a bank. Apart from this, insurance companies allow producers to reduce their risk caused by natural calamities and changing business conditions.

Businesses can get different types of financial assets that allow them to get the maximum return from their investments. For instance, some factoring companies can use financial services in order to increase their profit and turnover.

In short, this was a description of the importance of credit and financial services for an individual or economy. Hopefully, you will find this article helpful.